What To Know about Potty Training Your Puppy

Morning walk with dog (labrador retriever). Young man is training his puppy walking on the leash.

Bringing home a puppy is an exciting experience for everyone, including your new pup! They could be overwhelmed with their new environment, so it’s essential to help your puppy feel accustomed to their new home. They’re not going to know what your expectations of them are or what’s normal until you, as the dog owner, […]

How to Teach Your Dog to Respond to Their Name

Dog Tags! Dog Collar with Identification Tags for Reuniting Lost Pets!

Welcoming a dog inside your home is an exciting new experience for both you and your dog. But it can also be quite an overstimulating experience for your dog exposed to a new environment and new people. One of the first things people do when meeting their dog is deciding their name. Whether it’s keeping […]

How to Avoid Over-Exercising Your Dog

Doga yoga is the practice of yoga as exercise with dogs. Online yoga with domestic dog

Is it possible that your dog is getting too much exercise? Yes. How is that so? Don’t dogs love running around and playing with their owners? Of course, they do! Sometimes a little too much for some pups! The problem is our dogs cannot tell us verbally what they need. Dog owners need to learn […]

Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior Through Body Language

An adult woman with a dachshund dog for a walk in the autumn forest.

Just like humans, dogs have their own emotions too. How they act and react can indicate how they are receptive towards their current or previous environments, what they need or don’t want, and how they feel. Some indicators are more straightforward to tell than others, like if your dog likes the sweater you put on […]